#graduation #QUTLife #qutbusiness
Figuring out circuits. Fantastic activities for kids at #QUT Cube this summer
#girlstime #girlstoys #mightygirl #qutcube #summerholidays #qutlife #futurescientist
I get to pass this beauty on my way out of uni each evening. Makes the late nights of thesis work a pleasure.
#QUTLife #weareampr #commute #HDRLife #researcherlife ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #Repost @lady_brisbane (@get_repost) ・・・ Wander with me thru Brisbane’s fairyland✨ #ladybrisbane #brisbane #viewsofbrisbane #visitbrisbane #brisbaneanyday #thisisqueensland #thisisbrisbane #seeaustralia #fairylights
Loved sharing the Goodwill Bridge with these two beauties on my way in to uni this morning #qutlife #brisbane #commuter #fourlegsarebetterthantwo #upwindwouldvebeenbetter