I found these questions particularly helpful from the perspective of someone planning for a career change following my PhD, because answering them helped me assess my career landscape as it currently stands. Understanding the current landscape is a necessary precursor to concrete planning for career progression. 1. What are your drivers? What motivates you? Pushes […]
Attending IndieWebCamp East 2020
IndieWebCamp East 2020 is an online gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations. Dialling in from AEST
‘The Social Dilemma’ Virtual Tour
A series of conversations inspired by ‘The Social Dilemma’ film to explore the unintended consequences of our growing relience on social media and technology and what we can do to address it. Source: ‘The Social Dilemma’ Virtual Tour Dropped in for a listen – fascinating. Cheers @chrisaldrich #indieweb
Hoping to make it for some of the time, at least.
Homebrew Website Club West Coast Source: Homebrew Website Club West Coast
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2020 Finalist – Sarah Dillon, QUT Business School
🎧 Listening to Lisa Feldman Barrett on Balancing the Brain Budget [The Knowledge Project Ep. #92]
Neuroscientist, psychologist and author, Lisa Feldman Barrett discusses the complexities of the brain, our emotions, improving ourselves and our relationship with others, making good decisions and giving yourself an existential break. … on The Knowledge Project […] Source: Lisa Feldman Barrett: Balancing the Brain Budget [The Knowledge Project Ep. #92]